About the Lister-Sink Institute
The Lister-Sink Institute is an educational organization dedicated to promoting a healthful, well-coordinated piano technique, to maximize musical artistry and help prevent potential injury at any point in the career. This organization is at the forefront of the global effort to:
- Define the principles of well-coordinated, biomechanically-based technique
- Promote these principles in educational institutional and private studio settings
- Maximize artistic potential with a healthful, reliable technique
- Prevent playing-related injury over a musician’s lifetime
- Engage with the medical community in research and developing treatments for playing-related injuries
The Lister-Sink Institute (Formerly WINGSOUND International) was founded in 1996 by Barbara Lister-Sink in the wake of her production of the video/DVD Freeing the Caged Bird—Developing Well-Coordinated, Injury-Preventive Piano Technique. Income from all private training and video sales is used to further this mission.